Waterfront Property Offered to George Lucas For His Museum

Report: lot initially offered to America's Cup now reserved for George Lucas.

No Warriors? No problem -- San Francisco might have The Empire instead.

Prime waterfront property once set aside for the Golden State Warriors will instead be offered to George Lucas for his museum, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

Lucas had set his sights on The Presidio to house a museum of movie items and modern paintings, including works by Norman Rockwell. Bosses there, however, nixed his plan as well as two other competing plans in favor of... nothing, so far.

Lucas has the option of trying again. But in response to the rebuff, he sought greener pastures -- in Chicago, where he and his wife maintain a home.

Eager not to lose Lucas, San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee will offer him Seawall Lot 330, part of the parcels that were going to house the Golden State Warriors's waterfront arena, before the team decided to play in Mission Bay instead, the newspaper reported.

Seawall Lot 330 is currently vacant, but it was valued two years ago at $30 million, the newspaper reported.

Lee plans to try to woo Lucas with the waterfront parcel in a letter to be mailed Thursday, said the newspaper, quoting shadowy figures within the Lee Administration.

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