Looking to do your holiday shopping in the Haight at your favorite pricey organic grocer?
You'll have to find another Whole Foods to burn your paycheck. Just make sure it's not the one scheduled to open in the Castro.
The long-awaited opening of a Whole Foods stores in San Francisco's famed Haight-Ashbury district looks like it will be pushed back, according to SF Gate.
Whole Foods was scheduled to open on the cornet of Haight and Stanyan streets at the old Cala Foods site in December but the opening looks like it will be pushed back to February.
Things aren't much better on the other side of the City as where a proposed Whole Foods at 2001 Market St. may have problems getting off the ground because of traffic concerns. A similar problem put Trader Joe's move into the neighborhood into jeopardy.
The Castro Whole Foods is scheduled to go before the San Francisco Planning Commission next month.