Golden Gate Bridge

About 32K Vehicle Tolls Overcharged at Golden Gate Bridge Since Early April

Toll bridge in San Francisco Bay Area.

The Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District is providing refunds to tens of thousands of people who were overcharged at the bridge in the past couple of months, a district spokesman said.

The issue involved people in two-axle vehicles like a standard vehicle or pickup truck being overcharged at the toll rate for multi-axle vehicles like a car towing a trailer.

The district has identified about 32,000 such transactions since early April, which spokesman Paolo Cosulich-Schwartz said is less than 1 percent of all transactions over that time period. The bridge district said people who were charged the incorrect toll should expect to see a refund within four to six weeks.

FasTrak customers will receive a refund credit to their account, while customers who already paid the overcharged toll via invoice will receive a refund in their original form of payment.

The district recommends that people contact FasTrak only if they do not see their refund arrive within four to six weeks since its customer service is experiencing higher than usual call volumes.

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