San Francisco

Senator Wiener Fires Back at Far-Right Attacks After Death Threat

California State Senator, Scott Wiener, represents District 11 which includes all of San Francisco, Broadmoor, Colma, and Daly City, as well as portions of South San Francisco. (Photo courtesy Lorie Leilani Shelley/Office of Scott Wiener)

State Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, has fired back against conservative pundit Charlie Kirk and a congresswoman from Georgia for comments they have recently made about him that he has described as homophobic and a "stain on our country" and have resulted in a death threat against him.  

"If elected Republicans cared as much about their voters' concerns as Scott Wiener cares about freeing pedophiles and mutilating children, they'd have won total victory long ago," tweeted Kirk on Tuesday.  

U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, D-Georgia, earlier this month called Wiener a "communist groomer" after he tweeted, "The word 'groomer' is categorically an anti-LGBTQ hate word."  

Wiener has supported gender-affirming care for trans youth and was behind Senate Bill 107, which has made California a "refuge" for trans minors and their parents fleeing prosecution in other states.   

For example, in May, Alabama criminalized gender-affirming health care for youth, such as puberty blockers or hormones, which are often given to patients under the age of 19 under the guidance of a doctor. The law, entitled the Alabama Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act, makes doing so punishable to up to 10 years in prison.   

"LGBTQ leaders around the country are under attack by toxic, far-right ideologues and elected officials," Wiener said in a statement Wednesday. "These MAGA talking heads -- whose party performed far worse than expected in the midterm elections -- have no meaningful policy solutions for the issues facing our country. Instead, they are focused on slandering and demonizing gay and trans people and using us as scapegoats." 

Kirk attacked Wiener on Twitter for what he called California's "radically reduced penalties for child molestation."  

"One reason so many of these predators are going free so early is California lawmaker Scott Wiener," Kirk tweeted.  

Kirk is referring to California's Senate Bill 145, which has been a target of misinformation passed along on social media by followers of the far right conspiracy group known as QAnon, who say it legalizes pedophilia.  

The law does not. The bill aims to reform California's sex offender registry to align young LGBTQ adults with existing laws that apply to vaginal sex. Current law allows judicial discretion regarding the requirement to register as a sex offender for people convicted of statutory rape who have had vaginal sex with someone within 10 years of their age. Wiener's law would bring all vaginal and non-vaginal sex under the same law.  

“Charlie Kirk is a prime example of this type of extremist right-wing grifter, and he joined Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene in tweeting about me repackaged versions of centuries-old homophobic lies," said Wiener. "Kirk and Greene are leading a movement to slander gay men and trans people as 'pedophiles' and 'groomers,' and these heinous words have consequences."

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