The city of San Jose is back to square one in its search for a new police chief.
City manager Debra Figone told the city council she is restarting her search for a chief.
The announcement comes a day after three finalists for the position met privately with community groups.
“City manager Debra Figone has decided she wants to extend the search for our next police chief,” city spokesman David Vossbrink said.
Sources tell NBC Bay Area the community leaders did not approve the candidates after meeting with them, but the city would not confirm that.
“The challenge we have with any high level executive appointment is to get the right match for San Jose and the department,” Vossbrink said. “But also for the candidate who might be here for a long time.”
Figone will appoint an interim chief while the search continues.
Current chief Chris Moore retires next week, and former assistant chief Rikki Goede now heads the Piedmont Police Department.
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