San Jose

San Jose to Explore Affordable Housing Opportunities for Teachers

A possible breakthrough in the efforts to create more affordable housing for South Bay teachers: San Jose has reached out to Sarah Chaffin, a woman who asked the city council for permission to build affordable housing for teachers on her property on Lincoln Avenue.

The city council denied her request last week, saying the area is zoned for commercial development and not residential.

But now it appears the city and Chaffin are exploring alternatives.

"We are open to other opportunities and Sarah presents us with one that we should explore," Mayor Sam Liccardo said.

Chaffin, who is also with the Build Teacher Housing group, said "We really want to work in partnership with the city and the mayor's office to find a solution for affordable housing for teachers."

The program in Chaffin's proposal would charge teachers $2,000 a month. A half of the fees would be used to cover rent, with the other half held in an account and returned to them in three yeras for a down payment on a home.

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