
Mudslide Near Highway 9 Leaves Saratoga Families Stranded

Two families in Saratoga are stranded after a huge mudslide trapped them.

The slide is at the Savanah-Chanelle Vineyards off Highway 9. The only way out is to hike through several feet of mud. Not only that, the families were without power for more than three days.

"My freedom has been taken away from me," Saratoga resident Kellie Ballard said.

Ballard said the mudslide has blocked her driveway since Feb. 14. Her only way out is to drive a golf cart to the mud and hike through it. She said so much rain was coming down her driveway, which looked like a river.

"It was just incredible," Ballard said. "You could stand here and wash your boots off."

In addition, high winds have shattered several windows at Ballard's home and ripped off coverings.

"We've been trapped up here and there's no way off this mountain," Ballard said, adding she has called Caltrans, the California Highway Patrol and the Sheriff's Office.

She said the slide started on her neighbors property and does not know who plans to keep it up. To make matters worse, Ballard lost power for three days, leaving her without running water and a working refrigerator.

"The fridge was warm inside and I had to throw out $500 to $600 worth of things," Ballard said.

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