"Woman seeking man to rob, beat and leave for dead."
That's not exactly what the personals ad said but that's how it turned out for a man who became the victim of the self-proclaimed "monospace bandits."
Now the three people behind the ad are behind bars and the victim has some scars to help him remember a valuable lesson.
Hayward police say 28-year-old Rodolfo Aguilar, 32-year-old Salim Ahmed and 20-year-old Lydia Troche are in custody after being arrested in connection with a brutal attack on a man last month.
Police say a 22-year-old man went to a Hayward motel to meet a woman after responding to an ad on social networking Web site .
The victim responded to an ad on monospace.com from a woman seeking “emotional and financial support,” according The Fremont Argus.
When the man arrived at the motel, he met the woman and had a short conversation. Then, two men snuck up from behind and started beating him. The woman joined in on the attack, police say.
The three suspects then allegedly tied the victim up and forced him to fork over his ATM card. One of the attackers left to get some cash with the victim's card but returned to the motel when he couldn't withdraw enough, police said.
At that point, the attackers blindfolded the victim and drove him to the Bethany Reservoir, where they beat him some more, choked him with a bed sheet, stripped him and left him for dead.
Fishermen found him the next morning.
The victim ID'd the suspects from a lineup. Aguilar and Troche admitted their involvement in the crime, according to Hayward police Sgt. Steve Brown.
“(Troche) said that they hatched a plan to become ’mocospace bandits,’ ” Brown said.
The victim has since recovered from his injuries.
Aguilar, Ahmed and Troche, all Hayward residents, face kidnapping and attempted murder charges.