Social Security

Social Security Boost Not Enough to Offset Inflation, Seniors Say

NBC Universal, Inc.

Seniors at the Centennial Recreation Center in Morgan Hill welcomed the Social Security boost announced Thursday, but many say they've been around long enough to keep it all in perspective.

The social security benefits hike, the largest increase in four decades, is tempered by the fact that it's barely enough to offset inflation prices.

"It’s never enough," Joe Zertuche of Morgan Hill said. "Things are going up so fast, faster than even the amount of money they gave us."

The cost of living increase is 8.7%, which is about $146 more per month. While all appreciate the boost, quite a few seniors pointed out they worked hard for the benefit.

"My husband and I worked very hard," Marie Hitchcock of Morgan Hill said. "We grew businesses. We helped our country. To see us having to flounder, it’s very disheartening."

Many of the seniors said they hope the news of the boost will get young people to pay attention to what's happening with social security and appreciate how important it is.

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