Trashing Your School to Make a Point

Menlo-Atherton High School students are dumping their trash on the  campus' outside eating area because they think it could help save the  environment.

Since Friday afternoon the school's student environmental  committee has been asking custodians to dump all remains on a grassy area in  the middle of campus to show more than 2,000 students how much waste they  produce.

The committee hopes the shock-factor of about 350 large bags of  garbage by the end of the week will urge the students to cut back on waste by  using reusable bottles and other alternatives.

"This is the kind of thing that gets them to think about how much  waste we produce," parent volunteer Jane Flora said.

Flora said the grand finale will be on Friday when the last load  of garbage piles up on the grass. The students will also host an eco-friendly  fashion show and a vintage bike show the same day, she said.

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