Now Twitter is just getting annoying. Isn't it enough that is has empowered Ashton Kutcher to feel like he can take down the powerful CNN? (Although that might not be a bad thing).
Tweeting may be great for stalking your favorite celebrity but this is going a bit too far. A movie theater in Chicago is encouraging its patrons to tweet their heckles during a recent showing of "Zoolander." Didn't that come out 20 years ago?
If that wasn't annoying enough, the audience tweets would actually show up on the screen during the movie.
"I've described it as a mash-up of 'Mystery Science Theater 3000' and Twitter," Rien Heald, the Naperville, Ill. inventor of MuVChat, told the Chicago Tribune.
The idea is in its early stages and has only made into three screens that show old school Ben Stiller movies apparently (they also tried it out during a screening of "Dodgeball.")
"Normally, you don't want people texting on their phones, [the glowing screens] are kind of like fireflies inside the auditorium," Charlestowne manager Randy Pollock told the Tribune. "But if everybody is doing it, it's fun."
If they are only showing Ben Stiller movies couldn't the moviegoers rent them at home and tweet all they want? Apparently not because Brian Stewart, who attending one of the Twitter screenings, said people were only watching the movies for the comments. At least you can only make 40 tweets a movie.