Twitter No Longer Allows Revenge Porn

Twitter has taken a public stance against revenge porn.

According to Washington Post, which recently published an excerpt of a leaked memo from chief executive Dick Costolo stating that Twitter is not good "at dealing with abuse," Twitter's new rule states that users may not post intimate photos or videos that have been distributed without the subject's consent. It's also now considered part of Twitter's abuse policy.

Though the company has made its views on revenge porn clear, enforcing the rule without taking measures such as limiting accounts by IP addresses might be a slippery slope at best and an exercise in futility at worst. 

"To get an offending picture taken down, the victim has to first know that it exists, then ask Twitter to remove it, and finally wait an unspecified and agonizing amount of time for a ruling," reasoned Wired. "In the meantime, a determined troll can set up a few dozen more accounts, each ready to post the same photo, triggering the entire process again. This is like trying to stamp out an entire ant colony by stepping on one mound."

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