Hey, guys, here's a Twitter story that has nothing to do with Ashton Kutcher!
This one actually comes from the company itself: Twitter co-founder and CEO Evan Williams sent a tweet early today that "tomorrow just became a very big day (more later)." This, as Google prepares its quarterly earning report. Speculation that the two companies are shopping for rings, already rampant, just turned into a fever pitch.
The companies themselves aren't talking, but the web is wagging about what this all means. Twitter has, even in recent days, insisted that it's not looking to be bought, but Google can, if it wanted, offer a lot of money.
Google itself is totally closed-mouthed at this moment. It has to be -- it reports its quarterly financials after the closing bell this afternoon and is required to maintain a "quiet period." Google VP Marissa Mayer told Scott McGrew on Press Here that Google is "always open" to such aquisitions, but Twitter founder Jack Dorsey told McGrew "we're not ready to sell - we're not done [building the service] yet.
I've already gone above my alotted 140 characters. Stay tuned for more updates.