UFO Conference Coming to Bay Area

The question at UFO X Fest is not whether or not there's intelligent life out there. The question is, "what are they doing here?"

The date of the 2010 UFO X Fest has just been announced, with a full lineup of lectures, films, and magic. Yes, magic! It's all going on on Sept. 18 and 19 in San Leandro, and tickets just went on sale.

The event bills itself as "one of the worlds leading forums and authority in 'Cosmic Research', everything under the sun and well beyond," and promises a path to "true light and knowledge" regarding "UFO's, Science, Technology, 2012, Signs & Symbols, Conspiracies, Earth Changes, Crash Retrievals, Ancient Civilizations, Reptoids, Crop Circles, Space, Time, Conciseness, GOD and Existence." Must be a pretty big path!

Speakers include cryptozoologist John Rhodes, whose website features a sexy lizard dude, swastika expert Servando Gonzalez, and the mysterious Mr. Lobo. And then there's the film fest, which spans the gamut from horror flick The Thing to Rod Serling's peculiar 70s UFO documentary It has Begun.

The tone of the event promises to be a bit different from last week's SETI conference, where scientists convened to discuss the search for alien life in a somewhat more mainstream context. Or at least, as mainstream as a search for alien life can be.

Matt Baume prefers the monster-of-the-week episodes of the X-Files.

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