
Vallejo Store Owner Shot During Robbery Up and Walking

NBC Universal, Inc.

A beloved Vallejo store owner who was shot during a robbery last week is back on his feet and walking as he continues to recover.

A video shared on a GoFundMe page for Marc Quidit showed the Dollar Plus & Party Supplies store owner, who was reportedly shot several times in the lower body, taking steps at a hospital with some help from a walker.

"Honey, did you see that?" Quidit can be heard saying in the video. "I can go back to work next week."

Quidit was listed in critical condition following the Tuesday night shooting. But according to the GoFundMe page, he started physical therapy just days later and has progressed from walking 40 feet to 100 feet.

“He’s getting better, even though he’s in a lot of pain he’s still strong,” said his daughter Maya Quidit. “I think it’s really great especially what’s going on in this world.”

A beloved Vallejo store owner who was shot during a robbery last week is back on his feet and walking as he continues to recover.

At 15, Maya is keenly aware of the recent attacks against asian business owners.

Community civil rights groups say most of the crimes go unreported because victims just want to move on or they feel they  don’t get the support of law enforcement.

“There’s been a hostile environment for immigrants,” said Cynthia Choi for Chinese for Affirmative Action. “This isn’t anything new for Asian American communities and in fact defines our experience to be scapegoated to be blamed whether it’s a public health crisis or economic crisis.”

The Quidit family is not sure if they were targeted because they are Asian. But they are grateful for the support from the community.

The GoFundMe effort for Quidit has raised roughly $80,000.

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