What You're Doing Tonight: May 7

Cake, Cheap Trick and The In Betweens

Cake performs "I Will Survive" at the Great American Music Hall in SF

AT FIRST THEY WERE AFRAID: Apparently they did survive because after all these years Cake will play Bimbo's 365 Club, 1025 Columbus Ave., in San Francisco tonight. The band's wacky antics gained international notariety when they covered Gloria Gaynor's disco classic, "I Will Survive." Tickets are available from Tickets Now.

BIG HAIR IS BACK: This is not exactly in the Bay Area but it's close enough and it's Cheap Trick anyway. Tease your hair and bust out the leather pants, you might want to have your friend and some butter on hand to help them get up, because the rockers will play the Dixon May Fair, 655 S. First St., in Dixon at 7 p.m.

ORGY OF FUN: What do you get when you mix comedy, dance and original music? The In Betweens of course. Don't feel bad if you didn't know that. The performance mixes in different mediums to have a little something for everyone. The show takes place at the Exit Theater, 156 Eddy St., in San Francisco at 8 p.m.

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