bay area weather

Wind Advisory Surprises Bay Area Residents

NBC Universal, Inc.

Bay Area residents are used to windy conditions happening, but some tell told NBC Bay Area Saturday that they didn’t expect the strong winds that blew through times during the day.

There were some adjustments being made to handle it.

Alameda resident Chris Brown went to San Francisco from the East Bay and made the best of it even with a wind advisory.

“It was great. Once you’re on the beach, it's great,” he said.

At San Francisco’s Ocean Beach, teams were out building sand sculptures, their first big year back on the beach since the pandemic and they made just some adjustments.

“You know, the wind is unfortunate but we’re working with it," said Jill Dineen of Leap Arts in Education. "What we have done is we have modifications for our teams, no tents, no umbrellas, nothing that can come loose with a gusts of wind."

Dineen said that adding water is key to getting sand to stick and stay grounded. People bundled up and kept creating.

In places like Mountain View, conditions were breezy too.

In the meantime, the PG&E is also tracking the winds.

They’ve notified customers. It would be the first public safety power shut off this year.

“We have notified fewer than 200 customers in the North Bay. This is the only area in the Bay Area, and Napa, Sonoma and Lake counties that we could be shutting off the power Sunday morning for safety,” said PG&E spokesperson Deanna Contreras.

PG&E officials said they will continue to update customers and they remind them that because of the winds, there could be power outages due to down tree branches or other causes.

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