Winning Bay Area Lotto Ticket Remains Unclaimed

California State Lottery officials are reminding the public to check their lottery tickets after a second day passed without a winner  stepping up to claim a $35 million winning lottery ticket purchased in  Newark.
The SuperLOTTO Plus ticket was purchased April 4 at a Lion Food Center at 39055 Cedar Blvd. in Newark, according to lottery officials.

Lottery spokeswoman Cathy Doyle Johnston said today a delay in claiming prizes isn't unusual, even for such a large sum.

"It happens fairly frequently, but they usually come in within a couple of weeks," she said of lottery winners.

Some winners want to get financial or legal advice before claiming their prize, she said. When multiple people, such as co-workers or family  members, claim a prize, it can take time to align everybody's schedules so  they can appear together at a lottery district office.

One of the most common reasons, Johnston said, is more mundane.

"A lot of the time they just have to work," she said. Even lottery winners can't always get a day off immediately.

The winning numbers are 8, 18, 21, 41, 46, and the Mega number is 24. Two other tickets worth $42,723 apiece were purchased in La Mesa and  Cypress, according to lottery officials.

Winning tickets for sums this large must be claimed either by mail or in person at a lottery district office within 180 days from the drawing.

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