A HOLIDAY WEEKEND... needn't be all about bustle, and a holiday weekend in the springtime? You'll likely want to be in nature, at least a little bit. But if you're an "a lot of bit" person when it comes to nature-based happenings, ponder a visit to Angel Island on Saturday, March 31. That's the day when the California Parks Company will be holding an out-in-the-outdoors gathering that'll brim with family joy, peaceful breezes, and those glorious island views. It's the 2nd Annual Angel Island Spring Festival, and the midday happening will unfurl from 11:30 a.m. to 3 o'clock, giving you plenty of time to return home to prepare for Easter brunch, if you're hosting family the next day. The festival itself? It's totally free, though you will need to pay for a ferry from Tiberon or San Francisco (and, yes, ticket prices will vary).
ON THE SCHEDULE? There's an egg hunt, or make that egg hunts, giving kids in different age groups a chance to seek out a golden egg. McGrail Vineyards and Gordon Biersch will be there, too, providing gratis tastings of fine wines and craft brews to the 21+ visitors, and live tunes will flow, as well. More freeness awaits, and sun and breezes and birdsong, on the island's hiking trails, but if you want to spend a bit and take a different mode of transport, beyond your boots or hike sneaks, look into a Segway tour or an electric bike rental (the new electric cycles are set to make their debut at the festival). You can also hop onto the history-focused tram tour, for a fee, and learn more about the "Ellis Island of San Francisco" (check out the new headsets, for the audio tour, as well as the updated tram). All the details on this March-ending, island-lovely day out? Find them here.