A Strange Sapphire Tower Is Blooming in Encinitas

The blue beauty is gracing the San Diego Botanic Garden for a few fabulous weeks.

SAPPHIRES? You can find them at a jewelry store, generally. A Sapphire Tower? You'll need to skip the gem shop and head straight to Encinitas, and the San Diego Botanic Garden, where an unusual specimen is currently in burstful bloom. The gorgeous wonder is found in Chile, and noted for its vibrant blues, which, as any floral fan knows, is a hue that's rather unusual among petals. Providing striking contrast to the shades of blue are the orange anthers seen in the flowers. Called...

"UNEARTHLY LOOKING"... by garden staffers, the straight-from-Seuss sight'll be in bloom "for several weeks," which means you can still catch a glimpse deep into May, if you're headed to the North County area. How to behold this beauty? By paying admission to the SDBG, a 37-acre spread that includes displays from across the globe, including a Mexican Garden, a South African Garden, a South American Garden, and Australian Garden, to name but a few.

A SAPPHIRE TOWER SUPERBLOOM... is also expected, is the good word from the San Diego Botanic Garden, "... as at least a dozen other inflorences (clusters of flower buds arranged on spikes) have been spotted by the our Horticulture Team at the Garden." If you'd like your own Puya alpestris to take home, there are plants for purchase at the gift shop (you can also buy a Puya chilensis, which has yellow flowers). Where were these for-sale specimens propagated? Why right at SDBG. And they're quite rare, given that you won't find them for sale anywhere else in the region, says the garden. For more information on viewing the Sapphire Tower, or buying your own, click here.

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