CHRISTMAS CLOTHING: When you imagine the togs you don in December, you're like to A) picture some snowmen-bedecked jammies or B) visualize a bright red sweater covered in wee bells or C) think of a Santa hat, a big belt, and the full-on outfit, trimmed, of course, in faux fur. But some people, when it comes to end-of-the-year gussying-up, tend to seek out a different sartorial path, one involving Elizabethan gowns and high-of-neck ruffs and breeches and tights and shoes with mega buckles. These are the people who love to attend, or have always dreamed of attending, the long-running, oh-so-grand Bracebridge Dinner, a Yosemite National Park-based tradition that stretches back to the 1920s (when no less than Ansel Adams appeared as one of the merry-hearted players). The medieval-amazing Bracebridge affair, which takes place in the dining room at the Majestic Hotel, is no longer a single-night-only, be-lucky-in-the-lottery-drawing kind of deal. It, in fact, occurs over a...
NUMBER OF SELECT NIGHTS... each December. The first date in 2017 is on Sunday, Dec. 10, the final date of the run will happen on Friday, Dec. 22, and your reservation may be placed by ringing Yosemite Hospitality at 888-413-8869 (or you can swing by, too). What can you expect, if you've never been? The whole evening to-do raises a glass, shouts "huzzah!," and digs into a number of swanky suppable courses over three and a half hours. Costumed characters provide the laughs and songs, and the magic of yuletidery is much in the air of the capacious, high-of-ceiling dining room. Want to trade that gingerbread man sweater for a lace ruff and breeches? This could be your year, Yosemite-loving time traveler.