Enter Ye Olde Sacramento's Haunted Fort

Call upon one of our state's most historic spots for a tale-filled twist on the eerie holiday.

HALLOWEEN FUN, it might be accurately said, isn't a one-size-fits-all category, nor do eerie events arrive each October in a single flavor. There are the thrilling haunted houses, the chilling concerts, the monster-filled movie nights, and dozens of other spine-tingling pleasures for those who enjoy marking the atmospheric occasion. But finding Halloween-related fun at a true historic destination, one that has played a significant role in our state's back-story, is far trickier than locating a terrifying maze or fright flick. There is, though, a place in Sacramento that takes time out, each October, to lend some way-back-y jumps 'n starts to the spookiest holiday, with a dash of historical significance thrown in, to up the overall experience. It's...

SUTTER'S FORT STATE HISTORIC PARK... we're talking about, the 19th-century settlement that has ties to both the Donner Party and the California Gold Rush, as well as the moving stories of many settlers and early pioneers. A visitor can learn a lot about those topics during a traditional Sutter's Fort tour, but on Oct. 20 and 27, 2018, the vibe will be slightly scarier. Why? "Docents dressed in historic attire will be waiting for you at interactive stations throughout Sutter's Fort, ready to share their spooky and disturbing stories from pioneer life in the 1800s." If you're a maven of true-life tales from the Gold Rush era, but you also like to feel a slight fright at night, this could be your newest pre-Halloween must-do.

TICKETS TO THE HAUNTED FORT? An adult is $10, a child is $6, and they're available now. And consider that you'll get to enter this amazingly preserved place after the sun sets, a rare chance to spy Sutter's Fort by moonlight. Don't pass it up, Halloween/history mavens.

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