Lotusland's Opening Day Soon to Bloom

Ganna Walska Lotusland is wrapping its cold-weather recess and is ready for visitors.

THE TIME FOR LOTUS BLOOMS, at least around Santa Barbara, falls just around the beginning of July, give or take. That's when the glorious flowers begin to show their iconic, pink-to-white petals, and people toting camera come to witness the showy spectacle. But Lotusland reveals its petals during a different part of the calendar, closer to Valentine's Day. That's when the historic property, which is located in the American Riviera, reopens after several weeks of winter recess. It isn't a total recess, of course, as staffers at the spread, which once belonged to singer Ganna Walska, are minding the gorgeous array of green things, plants that run the gamut from towering trees to voluptuous succulents to all sorts of flowering shrubs. And, yes, the lotus line-up, too, though those won't flower for a few months to come, as mentioned. If you'd like to support...

LOTUSLAND... on its opening day, or in the weeks following that happy occasion, be there on Friday, Feb. 16. If you've been following the landmark's social media, you know it weathered the recent disasters in the area with some minor flooding, and some "vegetative debris," all while facing mandatory evacuation status ("(w)e are conducting business remotely," read a Facebook message on Jan. 11, 2018). To show your support for the botanic garden, visit soon, even before spring truly begins, and long before those celebrated lotuses make their first annual showing. To eye all of the upcoming to-dos around the leafy expanse, to see what might be blooming, and to learn more about its art-cool, community-important history, click.

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