Maker Faire San Diego: Early Bird Tickets

The October create-stravaganza bubbles with the brightest of ideas.

TINKERING, putting various bits and bobs together, removing a few of the bits and bobs, adding a few more bits, then bobs, then attempting to make the whole shebang move, shimmy, cartwheel, or roll? It is a true calling for the makers of this world, those boundary-push-passing visionaries who think, nay, know that the sky's the limit and everyday materials, when creatively composed, can make magic. Finding other makers, though, and simmering in all of that mind-expanding inspiration can sometimes be rather tricky, if you don't have your own local group. A meet-up is what is needed, a convention of the coolest proportions, and one such convention moves, shimmies, cartwheels, and rolls into San Diego each year. It's called Maker Faire, and it will again wow and perplex and galvanize attendees in Balboa Park over the...

FIRST WEEKEND IN OCTOBER: That's 2018, so, yep, Saturday the 6th and Sunday the 7th. Early bird tickets are available now, meaning you can alight on yours for sixteen bucks (kids can enter for $11 each). What can you expect to wow over while there? Geometry mavens'll rhapsodize over Unfolding Humanity, a "massive 10' tall and 40' wide metal sculpture that calls attention to the connection and contrast between humanity and technology." And there's a host of areas that will be covered, with drones, electric vehicles, LED/light-up works, vintage computers, weird machines, and DIY tech all finding a place at the very large gadget-packed table (proverbial table, but, yes, there shall be nifty gadgets galore). Are you a maker? Aspire to be one? Find inspiration from those who invent, dream, and do? Best unhand the bits and bobs and fly for your early-bird ticket now.

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