IF YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE A SPLASH... while jumping into a mountain lake, you go big, with a "wheee" and some water droplets and a bit of a show. Likewise, if you're going to debut a new hotel in a nature-famous part of the world, one that sees a lot of summertime road-trippers, well, your splash comes by making your entrance at the very start of summer, just when the gear-up to travel is on. That's just what Rush Creek Lodge did over the first weekend of summer 2016, welcoming travelers seeking out some Sierra-style charms with a rustic, but comfortable, twist. Oh, we just gave it away, but perhaps you've heard: Rush Creek Lodge is "Yosemite's first new resort in over 25 years," making it not just a soon-to-be-staple of summer vacationing but one that welcomes visitors throughout the seasons. If you know...
EVERGREEN LODGE... then you know the people behind Rush Creek (they've operated Evergreen since 2002). They've been dedicated to overseeing a hospitality-based youth program at Evergreen, and now Rush Creek, which provides "(s)upportive employment" which "can help young people build momentum in their lives and realize their fullest potential." That give-back spirit extends to Rush Creek's dedication to the environment, a commitment that includes supporting local farms (among other notable goals).
HISTORIC PATCH: If you're up on your Gold Rush history, you'll know that miners once called the area home. It's lush in tales of ye olde 1800s, and after — the main route to Yosemite, pre-Highway 120, ribboned through the area long ago — and all of that background further lends to the grounded-in-reality mystique of Rush Creek. There's no campfire lore, though to this fact: a pool, a dining room, and cabin-stylish rooms, suites, and hillside villas give lovers of Half Dome and explorers of Tuolumne a backstory-laden base to decamp, in comfort.