ONE MAN'S TREASURE... is often that same man's proudly-on-display showpiece, the kind of odd item that he came across while scouring a thrift store, decades ago, and can't stop talking about, because the piece is so elegant or fun or baffling or all of the above. In short? People who dig a good garage sale, or visit to a consignment shop, truly do take what they discover, and purchase, to heart. It is, as if, they've struck gold, or unearthed a marvel, or at least departed a store holding a lamp covered in tiny shells and Christmas ornaments. If this is you, then consider making for the Central Coast, over the first weekend of April 2019, for the famous...
MORRO BAY CITYWIDE YARD SALE: That's right. The beyond-charming coastal hamlet with the big, big rock has become known for its springtime stuff-purge, an event that draws locals, yes, and people far beyond the town's borders. It's year 16 for the happening, which features "hundreds of locations to explore." Is the trunk of your car roomy enough to hold all of the jeans or candy dishes or vintage earrings or what-have-yous that you'll want to cart home? Something worth pondering. Probably, we think, but we don't know exactly what your shopping goals are.
THERE'S A PREVIEW... on April 4, but everything revs up on April 5 and 6. Discount day? You guessed it: It's Sunday, April 7, and it'll close out the weekend. There's a map to download, or you can pick one up when you reach Morro Bay. Details? Here. But we do have one final question: Why can't every town have something like this, every year? Surely this helps the flow of goods while drawing lookie-loos and shoppy-shoppers, a good thing for any town of any size? Happy treasure-hunting, Morro Bay visitors.