Shingletown Sweetness: Horsey Haps

An upcoming adoption, as well as trail rides, are on the sanctuary's roster.

PRETTY PRETTY PONIES: While the Wild Horse Sanctuary near Shingletown has become well-known (and well-regarded) for its efforts to "protect and preserve America's wild horses as a living national treasure...," it also serves as a spot where pony people can find, and adopt, their new best buddy. Such an occasion is coming up on Saturday, April 16, when "(a)pproximately 25 yearlings and 2 mustangs, in a rainbow of colors," become available for adoption. The sanctuary asks that potential new families for the horses meet a number of qualifications, so if you've been pondering welcoming a wild horse onto your farm or ranch, this might be where you'll meet him. For all the info on the auction, how to adopt, and such, start here.

TRAILS AHOY: Of course, there are other ways to commune with the beautiful wild horses and burros who call the 5,000-acre preserve home. The annual open house in the summertime -- the 2016 date is Aug. 20 -- gives visitors a chance to admire some wild horses, as well as enjoy live tunes, chat with an equine vet, and watch stock dog demos. You can also stop by any Wednesday or Saturday for "wild horse viewing," which gives a sense about what the sanctuary does. And the always popular Trail Rides, a spring and summer feature on the Wild Horse Sanctuary calendar, are revving up on April 23 and 24 with a wildflower-focused trot along the trails. An upcoming Work Ride, where guests will help out with range projects and such, is in May, and the classic 2- or 3-day Trail Rides dot the warm-weather roster. Ready to see some wild horses in the wide openness, and to help support the organization's vital mission? Saddle up and hoof it this way for more info.

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