Time to Make Your Strawberry-Themed Contest Hats

Is the berry your favorite fruit? Do you dig donning a chapeau? This is for you.

EVER STUCK A SUNFLOWER... in your bonnet? Or a rose in your chapeau? Or did you decide to add a few blossoms to a baseball cap or a begonia to a beret? Then you're the sort of big thinker that knows headwear can always be made happier by the addition of something leafy, petal-pretty, and full of natural oomph. But why we stop at flowers, and don't incorporate other growing things, is rather a mystery. Take the strawberry, which has considerable color and shape and presence. It could make any look dressier, just by popping up on a hat brim, and yet we avoid this superstar of the produce aisle. But one place in the Golden State knows that strawberries can kind of outdo daisies and dahlias in the hat-decorating department. It's the...

CALIFORNIA STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL, and it will once again encourage creative thinkers and snazzy dressers to gussy up a hat with, you got it, strawberries, strawberry plants, and strawberry-style motifs. The 2019 festival flowers in Oxnard on Saturday, May 18 and Sunday, May 19, and includes a host of showdowns beyond the Berry Best Hat Contest, like the Berry Best Dressed Baby Contest and the Strawberry Shortcake Eating. And if you don't want to jump into a competition? There are ways to enjoy the long-running event's carnival spirit and cuisine-cool happenings. Still, though, if you're sporting a hat covered in strawberries, won't you get a ton of compliments and questions? You may inspire other wannabe hat artists. 

SO MILLINERS OF CALIFORNIA, get cracking on your wearable creation, because the festival is sprouting faster than a strawberry patch. Look here, for hat info and more on this charming and delicious annual party.

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