Actress Kristin Chenoweth is not happy with American Airlines and she has taken to Twitter to let the world know.
TMZ was the first to report that Chenoweth was boarding a flight at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport Tuesday when an American Airlines flight attendant supervisor stopped her at the gate and told her she couldn't board the plane with her dog because she didn't have the proper paperwork.
Chenoweth insisted her paperwork was correct and that's when TMZ reports the agent got "verbally abusive." Chenoweth was eventually allowed to board the plane headed to Los Angeles with the pup, but took her outrage to Twitter:

When pressed by her Twitter followers she continued to slam the airline:

Chenoweth said in a followup tweet that Maddie is her emotional support dog.
U.S. & World
In an interview with Prevention magazine Chenoweth said she suffers from Meniere's disease.
According to the Mayo Clinic, "Meniere's disease is a disorder of the inner ear that causes spontaneous episodes of vertigo — a sensation of a spinning motion — along with fluctuating hearing loss, ringing in the ear (tinnitus), and sometimes a feeling of fullness or pressure in your ear."
American Airlines sent the following statement to NBC 5 about Chenoweth's experience:
We apologize for the experience Ms. Chenoweth had on a recent flight. We have been in touch with her directly to offer our apologies for the misunderstanding. We refunded the cabin pet charge as soon as we realized the mistake. We hope she will consider flying American again in the future.
Matt Miller
American Airlines
Manager - Media Relations | Communications