Just about everyone is exhausted by now—the candidates, the campaigns, the media, and I suspect, the voters.
There just comes a time when people have to make their choice.
That time is now.
Anyone who says that he or she doesn't have enough information about the candidates to decide has not wanted to know or decide.
For some, the choice will be a "no brainer," for others, the choice will be difficult. Still, the simple fact remains what has been evident for some time: there are major differences between the candidates, and decidedly different directions in which they want to lead the country.
But in the near term, there is little that either Democrat Barack Obama or Republican John McCain can do other than wait.
Their fate rests in their respective "get out the vote" efforts, weather and the willingness of people to vote.
All of the preliminary data suggests that the willingness is there.
The good news is that the vote will be massive; the bad news is that the vote may be so overwhelming that the count may be held up for hours or even until the next day in a few states.
Hopefully, we'll still have an answer tomorrow night.
Still, while we may have an answer to the question of who wins, we’ll be a long way from knowing where we’re going. But there’s plenty of time to see that chapter unfold.
For now, the moment of decision is now hours away.