It clearly hasn't happened yet, but I suspect we are slowly but surely inching up on the day when Stephen Curry finally and truly jumps the shark.
I bring this up only because he made quiver madly again over the weekend with his appearance on the South Korean televised hallucinogen called "Infinite Challenge."
It wasn't. He and his brother Seth played very-well-compensated straight men in a three-minute sight gag – a 2-on-5 basketball game against a veritable menagerie of, well, things. His toughest task was making a half-court shot, and his second was making a series of layups. The stars were the people and inflatables assigned to not stop him from doing so.
And it hit the ether almost immediately because, among other things, anything Curry does is Internetable, and when you combine it with an Asian sports variety show (Japanese power hitter Takeshi Yamasaki was put on a national show trying to hit a 186-mph fastball from a pitching machine to great hilarity), you have gold.
Or, as it turns out, tin. It is all disposable, dismissible, digestible nonsense, something to eat up a few minutes in your day.
But Curry's almost relentless accessibility, and our heroin-based need to contrive ways to provide him, are easing into that "jeez, enough already" territory. And since we clearly won't say no, one wonders when perhaps he might.
What's next, "Curry naps fitfully"? "Curry orders take-out"? "Curry drops off dry-cleaning"? Actually, yes, all those things would be posted as well, because the Internet doesn't stop when people are sick of something. The Internet stops when the robots win.
You want proof? The Crying Jordan meme. I rest my case.
But a day may come in the distant future when something Stephen Curry does is met with a yawn, and the only people more thankful than us will be him. He just doesn't know it yet.