An unexpected plot twist has disrupted the grand opening of the New York Yankees' new $1.5 billion stadium. For whatever reason of fate, voodoo, or meteorologico-architectural phenomena, home runs are flying out of that new Yankee ballpark like it was worst of the steroids era times about ten. Something, somehow is making more home run balls sail into the stands at this Yankee Stadium than at any new ballpark in history.
Maybe they should have left that David Ortiz jersey in the concrete
USA Today notes that there have been average of a five home runs hit per game in the new Yankee Stadium. Five per game! On Saturday alone, massively unfortunate Yankee pitcher Chien-Ming Wang gave up eight runs in less than two innings in what the New York Daily News correctly dubbed "the worst inning in franchise history". The 22-4 loss to the Cleveland Indians left Wang with -- I swear to God this is not a typo -- a 34.50 ERA. Even Barry Zito is sending Wang taunting text messages.
For avowed Yankee haters -- and let's all give ourselves a nice round of applause here, people -- this is just fantastic news. It's always a pleasure to see the nefarious Yankee empire openly worried and off it's game.But it's also great news right now for A's fans, because guess who plays their next series in the "homer happy" ballpark?
Monday's game was rained out, so the A's will get their first swing at Tuesday night at what Buster Olney of has dubbed "Coors Field East". It's just what the Athletics need, after scoring only two runs in their two previous games, both losses. Jack Cust is anticipating some extra distance, telling his hometown New Jersey Star-Ledger, "Hopefully it does carry a little - an extra five feet would be nice."
Tuesday's starter Dana Eveland also has to be concerned about the way home run balls are also flying off Yankee bats. But at least he doesn't have his opposing pitcher Andy Pettite's problems. Pettite has to be worried might end up on injured reserve this season with whiplash to the neck watching all those homers flying over right field.
Joe Kukura is a freelance writer who has been bleeding Yankee hate since the Billy Martin/Reggie Jackson days.