Finally, Shaun Livingston Has a Team

Ira Winderman of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel (via Peninsula is Mightier) reports resolution in the odyssey to find Shaun Livingston an NBA home. Livingston will apparently sign a two-year contract with Miami, and expects to play later this season.

If it seems Livingston has received a ton of press considering the low likelihood he'll be a difference-maker this season, it's because he has. But that's all owed to the remarkable potential he showed in spurts through the 2006-07 season with the Clippers. He's young, skilled and dynamic. Why wouldn't folks place a small bet on him? That's what the Heat have done here.

If he can help this year, all the bigger reason for Miami to reel him in. The Heat currently have Chris Quinn, Mario Chalmers and Marcus Banks at the point. Quinn and Banks could be acceptable back-ups and last-string starters. Chalmers is a rookie who might be a very poor man's Mike Bibby someday. None of these guys, at this point, could be starters on a contending team. Livingston doesn't meet that threshold either, but he has the potential to in the near future if he recovers decently. With little on the line, it's a good acquisition. And in few other locales (Golden State, New York) will Livingston have a bigger opportunity to earn minutes than in Miami.

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