Call it crowdsourcing. Call it poking an angry bear. On Thursday evening, I turned to Twitter to ask Kings fans a simple question and the responses are still pouring in.
If Porter's back (and hip) get clearance, what are your thought's Kings fans? Yes? No?— James Ham (@James_HamNBCS) June 14, 2018
The question is regarding draft prospect Michael Porter Jr., who has become a lightning rod for discussion over the last few days in Sacramento. Armed with the No. 2 overall pick, the Kings have considered drafting the 19-year-old Missouri star, but that's a risky proposition.
Porter underwent back surgery and missed all but three games of his freshman season. The Kings visited Porter last week for a pro day and are in Chicago again on Friday to further inspect his health.
Kings fans showed up in force, responding more than 200 times on twitter.
There were a few "yes" votes.
If he's good I'm in. 2 is a tough pick. It's hard to pass up on a talent like @MPJr with the way the league is today. He's a guy that if he pans out, he's an elite superstar. Always a chance of injury with any player.— Brent Roedell (@broedell97) June 15, 2018
Yes, life is about risk.— David Echard (@kingraiders412) June 15, 2018
I trust our medical team. Healthy MPJ I would put above Bagley. If MPJ is cleared by our medical team (the same ones that have worked on Guiles) then I'm not worried at all whatsoever about MPJ's health issues. I'm not denying MPJ's talents it's the health that concerns me.— Josh Marbella (@TehJawsh) June 14, 2018
But way more "no" votes.
No. His history of ongoing injury makes him unqualified (in my opinion) as a #2 pick. Too risky. Considering the other options in play, I don't see the risk/reward here to be worth it.— The Fat Panther 🐯 (@TheFatPanther) June 15, 2018
Last thing we need is another Pervis Ellison situation with the @SacramentoKings and a high draft choice. If there wasn't a 1+ year injury history I would be inclined to consider it. But it's too risky and destined for disaster. I vote no.— naj alikhan (@thenajalikhan) June 15, 2018— Law Ofc of JCB (@MidtownEsq) June 15, 2018
Même si sa mère lui fait un mot, rien à faire, j'en veux pas.— Oliv (@OlvDelay) June 15, 2018
Maybe if it were a weaker draft he'd still be worth gambling on, but with the Euroleague MVP and Final Four MVP available you can't be justified in taking MPJ. That would be verging on negligent.— Vamos Argentina (@blancdablanc) June 15, 2018
I just can't justify this guy with the 2nd pick!!! Didnt get to see much of him in college and then we get this whole injury report... doesn't sound like a great pick to me— arneezy (@arne3zy) June 15, 2018
Not with the number 2 pick. Even when the Kings had the number 5 pick it would seem like a risky move. With so many good choices in this draft why pick an athlete who is clearly a riskier choice over a player where the biggest unknown is simply how they will thrive in the NBA.— Random Acts of Kindness 🌷 Sher (@w00sher) June 15, 2018
No... HELL NO— Mack Gatsby (@VogeyCyYoung) June 15, 2018— John Paolo Gutierrez (@John_Gutirrez_P) June 15, 2018— Erin (@ErinB1083) June 15, 2018— Touchdown Al (@Touchdown_al) June 15, 2018— Freddy Bagley III (@FREDD_STARR) June 15, 2018