Shaun Hill Is Planning On Rocking The Mullet

The 49ers quarterback situation just got a whole lot more interesting. But it has nothing to do with Kurt Warner, Brady Quinn, Michael Vick, or even Jeff George.

Shaun Hill has announced he is considering growing a mullet.

The online faithful over at Niners Nation caught a remark at the end of Shaun Hill's recent online chat. A fan asked if any of the 49er players planned to continue donning throwback moustaches, as they did  the last season's Week 17 win over the Redskins.

"I think we should leave that up to a fan poll! I think people would probably be open to it," Hill responded. Then he drops the bomb.

"I’m considering a mullet – but it takes a lot longer than a ‘stache – even for me."

That is absolutely the best news of the 49ers off-season by far. If Hill is serious about growing a mullet, he should be given the starting quarterback position automatically. Can you imagine Hill out there in this year's neo-retro throwback uniforms, with the 'party in the back' portion of a mullet flopping down past the shoulder pads, Polamalu-style? Are you getting goosebumps envisioning a guy with a no-apologies mullet out there blowing in the Candlestick wind as he bootlegs, play-actions, and quarterback-draws? Would you give just anything on earth to see him "revenge scramble" for seven yards on third-and-three against some hotshot linebacker who had previously pulled him down by his hair? Me too.

Honestly, I'd be more than happy to watch another 7-9 season if our starting quarterback had a mullet. It'd be like having our own Kenny Powers. If I'm Singletary, Hill is my starter if he comes into camp with a solid mullet. Period. This might be why I'm not coaching a pro football team.

Hill suggests in the chat that he could leave these issues "up to a fan poll". And you know what? That's just what Niners Nation did

Niners Nation blogger "Ninjames" very lucidly notes, "If you don't vote in that poll you've probably got no soul."

And if can't predict with certainty whether the mullet is winning or losing in that online poll, you've probably got no understanding of sports blog readers.

Joe Kukura is a freelance writer has voted in the above online probably about 50 times.

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