The message is clear. Go to school, and you could be president -- or an NFL star.
Marshawn "Beast Mode" Lynch says so.
The Seattle Seahawks running back -- and product of local public schools -- Oakland Technical High School and the University of California at Berkeley -- is a featured player in a video released on Wednesday that extols the virtue of going to school.
"I'm an Oakland School Kid" features students from Montera Middle School, Joaquin Miller, Elementary, Glenview Elementary, La Escuelita and others in the Oakland Unified School District, where making sure students attend class is the goal.
"If you put in the work today, tomorrow, you can be whatever you want to be," the video reminds us.
Video production company Portal A put the video together, and that group's leader played football at Cal with Lynch.
"If you put in the work today, tomorrow, you can be whatever you want to be," the video reminds us. And that goes for Oakland school kids, too.
And that runs the gamut from president, to NASA engineer, to judge, according to the video.
Check it out.