Microsoft Has a Cougar Problem

Employees warned about ferocious animal patrolling campus' grounds

Microsoft employees have a new warning this week: beware of cougars.

Last week employees learned the hard way that bringing an iPhone to a company event is a bad idea. Now they are being warned about mountain lions or cougars patrolling the company's Redmond, Wash. campus. Could they be looking for Bill Gates, perhaps?

Microsoft employees received a note Friday morning instructing them to be careful when walking in wooded areas of the campus because of recent mountain lion or cougar sightings. At least one  mountain lion, and possibly others, have been sighted by employees. The company was also kind enough to give workers helpful tips in case they were to come in contact with one of the furry predators.

Microsoft spokesman Lou Gellos told the Wall Street Journal he was not aware of any mountain lion or cougar sightings in the past.

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