Workplace harassment is a huge problem in the Bay Area. And by some estimates, as many as 75% of all incidents never get reported.
But a tech company has an easy solution and all you need is a smartphone app.
The #NotMe app is a new way to report any kind of harassment anonymously on your phone.
Harassment often goes unreported because of fear.
"People aren't reporting until late because it's impossible to speak in the ways that exist," said LeBaron Meyers, #NotMe president.
Meyers and her company came up with the #NotMe app and hashtag, which walks employees through the process of letting their bosses know something is wrong.
The Santa Cruz Boardwalk, with hundreds of young employees, is an early adopter.
"In the modern world, especially where a lot of our employees are younger, they're just so comfortable on their phones, comfortable with apps," said Lydia Mireles, Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk employee engagement.
The app itself is a free download for individuals who want to check it out. #NotMe makes money when a company using its services gets access to a dashboard of information that employees are giving.
Meyers said the app is inspired by the #MeToo movement and aims to give everyone at work a voice.
"The goal is not me -- I'm not going to have something happen to me and not report it. I'm not going to witness something and not report it. I'm not going to be an employer who sweeps it under the rug and doesn't want to hear about it," Meyers said.