If you've ever wondered just where your Mother's side of the family gets its blue eyes, or why your Great-Grandfather's name got changed at Ellis Island, you're not alone. In fact, there's pretty good money in geneology. Maybe even IPO money.
Ancestry.com just filed to go public. It's a dot com, yes, but it's no spring chicken. Founded back in 1983, Ancestry.com has been finding familial links for decades. As for the IPO angle, we know from an SEC filing that it hopes to raise $75 million by going public. We also know that it makes money. The company made $197 million in revenue last year, profits of $8 million so far this year and it has close to one million paying subscribers.
If you've never tried it, Ancestry.com, which is based in Provo, Utah, gives some of its functionality away for free, with premium content costing you money. Apparently plenty of users are willing to pay but will investors?