Bay Area Music Venues Using Yondr Cases to Disable Smartphone Use During Shows

Users of Yondr will be unable to text, tweet, or snap selfies at concerts

Sick and tired of someone ruining your concert experience with a barrage of selfies and the bright light of an activated screen when the house lights are down? You need Yondr.

Several music venues in the Bay Area are using technology to disable smartphones during concerts, according to SF Weekly. The technology is called Yondr, and it's a "form-fitting case" that slips over phones and locks the device when in use.

Music venues have their patrons don their phones with this silencing apparel, which covers up screens and cameras alike, thereby rendering the phone, well, a phone.

Venues that designate certain areas "phone-free zones" appear the most-likely users of the technology. Those who disobeye the phone-free provision and also avoid sheathing their devices with Yondr risk being ejected from the venue.

In addition to preserving the sanctity of events, Yondr will go far to ensure your privacy and promises that "your idiotic drunk dance isn't tomorrow's YouTube hit," the newspaper reported.

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