A Back Room Deal Handcuffs Schools

Return local control to our districts

And now an NBC Bay Area Editorial:

Just weeks ago, a backdoor deal was slipped into the state budget - with no public debate!

This new law bans teacher layoffs!

And if revenues fall short as many suspect- the school year may be cut to 168 days...one of the shortest in the nation!

Critics call this "outrageous" and a "recipe for disaster."

We’re all for saving jobs!

But NBC BAY AREA believes it’s up to local districts to decide the best way to balance their books.

It’s wrong for Sacramento to take management power away from local leaders.

And it’s wrong to put big money lobbyists like the teachers’ union ahead of the local control our governor promised.

Urge your legislators to support a clean-up bill… to empower schools to do what’s right for students, who don’t have a lobby.

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