9/15 Saturday (Tuesday) Night Fever

Plus punk photos and Girls' new Album

STAYIN' ALIVE: Pablo Larrain's movie Tony Manero follows a Chilean man obsessed with becoming a John Travolta impersonator in Saturday Night Fever. His journey parallels the path of the Pinochet dictatorship in 1978.

DOWN WITH THE UNDERGROUND: Check out Punk Passage: San Francisco First Wave Punk 1977-1981 Photography of Ruby Ray, a gallery of musical portraits chronicling the original San Francisco punk movement. Meet the artist in Jewett Gallery at 5pm. [FecalFace]

GIRLS!....NO NOT THAT KIND: Tonight at Amoeba Records Girls is performing songs off their new CD, called Album. Scheduled to be released on the Sept. 22, the ethereal Album will be available an entire week early at the concert.

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