Already? A Letterpressed Yellow Lab for Christmas

Plus, Warhol-esque throw pillows and a new take on the old black sock

HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM MAN'S BEST FRIEND: Yes, it is excessively early to begin planning for the holiday season, but if Target can do it so can the rest of the San Francisco Bay Area. Drenculture's Holiday Letterpressed Notecards - Yellow Lab, are an adorable and artistic way to send your season's greetings.

IF WARHOL THREW A PILLOW: While it is quite acceptable for those creative types to throw tantrums, pillows are surely a much-preferred alternative. Nooworks has a 'noo' collection of throw pillows, ranging from a Warhol-esque knives print to this Halloween spirited Hyde Pillow.

BLACK UNDER YOUR SLACKS: This past Thursday The Seventh Heart recommended an update on an old staple, black socks. The dress sock has never been out of style, but this season it's the key ingredient that carries summer sandals and shorts into chilly temperatures. Check out the post and form your opinion on this 'hose in the toes' trend. [SF Indie Fashion]


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