Channeling the Fashion of the 60s

Bay Area fashionista introduces us to Yone

Reach back and grab a summer day in the City, circa 1968. While reminiscing, include a stroll down Grant Avenue in the neighborhood referred to as North Beach.

Imagine the statement tune of Bob Dylan’s "Blown’ In the Wind" blaring from an upstairs window and the aroma from the smoke of special handmade cigarettes at the corners as you turn up Union Street.

Once in front of No. 478, open the front door and step into YONE. A visit to Yone was enough of an initiation into the movements linked with the era simply referred to as the ’60s. There was an ongoing overflow of the famous Summer of Love through demonstrations, sit-ins and symbolic jewelry.

Girls wore pearls, mothers wore pearls, grandmothers wore pearls but only flower children wore peace signs dangling from goat leather straps. Yone was the spot to scoop up all the components necessary to make your own creation.

Fast forward to 2010 and fortunately you can still visit this stellar icon of the peace sign era.

Assemble your own statement of the times with a personally designed wrist or ankle bracelet, key chain, necklace or zipper pull or anything else you can think of that will be best with a personal stamp of individualism.  

There are tiny silver alphabet blocks perfect for ID bracelets, glass opaque beads to create chandelier earrings, claw hooks to transform strings of plated beads into hip-hugging belts and spools of glazed cotton cords to choose from for any transformation.

The notorious library of beads available at Yone is a collection from all over the planet. Beads range from delicate, precious crystals to plump, opaque swirls of the Venetians. 

Whether you have a statement to make or a gift to create, a visit to Yone will inspire you.

Allot enough time to select, design, arrange and savor. Once home, pour a glass of plum wine and settle in to assemble and enjoy because "these are the good old days."

Yone - 478 Union Street - 1-877-986-1424 /

Lexie Quiring host personal shopping trips through the city. Visit ShopSFwithLexie for more information.

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