Comebacks: Usual Suspects Open Sometimes, Seeks Chef

Broadway Strip: Earlier this year, the Usual Suspects Cafe had a memorable, eventful two months of existence. However, signs of (intermittent) life have been reported at 450 Broadway. But first, to review:

· May 28: Usual Suspects Ceremoniously Opens
· July 10: Usual Suspects Morphs into a Russian Vegan Comedy Club
· July 28: Usual Suspects Ceremoniously Closes

Now, we have word that the comedy club portion of the restaurant is back in business, albeit sporadically during certain weekends (whatever that means). The restaurant portion of the Usual Suspects though—which we'll remind you, did garner raves from the vegan set before all the chefs were forced out, leaving the Russian waiters to invent Russian vegan homestyle fare—is still in the works but coming soon. They are currently looking for a chef, chefs or anyone who like to cook. The odds on success this time around: not. that. good.
· The Shutter: The Usual Suspects Cafe Down Already [~ESF~]
· Mashups Gone Wild: Usual Suspects Is Now a Russian Vegan Comedy Club [~ESF~]
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