Gavin Hardkiss Pens Erotic Novel

Music producer releases 'Cubic Lust'

After traveling the world as a DJ and producer and making music in San Francisco for the better part of two decades, Gavin Hardkiss has turned his creative talents to the literary world.

Hardkiss has self-published his debut novel Cubic Lust. The story stars a globetrotting DJ who navigates a debaucherous existence before stumbling into something truly reality-bending.

While there are overtly sexual scenes, the most provocative language and imagery in Cubic Lust comes from Hardkiss' descriptions of music, DJing, and the power to provide a sonic escape:

"First, you've got to elevate their state so they're burning with desire," he writes of a DJ's strategy. "You need to get them to their personal peak. Shovel dried slithers of almond wood into that fire. Build the heat. Build the glow."

Whether Hardkiss has infused actual adventures into the book is unknown (and he'll probably never tell), but it's a lot of fun to read and guess what might have been snatched from real life and what's just fantasy.

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