Ike's Place Wants Sandwich Lovers to Pen Their Love for the Dirty Sauce

Ike Shehadeh his trying to work a permanent home for his beloved Ike's Place back into San Francisco but he will have to go before the City first.

The owner of the popular sandwich shop has a meeting with the San Francisco Planning Department on Dec. 16 at 10:30 a.m. to discuss opening a new location of his own at 16th Street.

But before the meeting, Shehadeh is looking for a little help from his friends. He is fans of the "dirty secret sauce" to write letters of support for his restaurant ahead of the planning meeting. He is also hoping supporters will attend the meeting.

Shehadeh built up a cult following for his sandwiches with people waiting up to two hours to get their hands on a meal.

But all of that came to an unceremoniously end in February when neighbors began to complain about the lines, litter and smells coming from the restaurant.

The complaints led to the on again, off again eviction of Ike's. Currently Shehadeh is selling sandwiches out of Lime on Market Street.

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