Rosita Wedding Invitation Set

Plus, recycled business cards and an almost-famous label

I DO: If we were to have another wedding (God forbid), we would use these gorgeous invitations ($6) from local company InkyLivie. Based on Mexican folk art, these invites are as vibrant and happy as a couple in love.

CEREAL GIRL: You can say that you're green as much as you like, but if you hand someone a business card made of recycled cereal boxes, they'll know you're legit. Vintage Script Press in San Francisco's Hayes Valley is offering that exact product, starting at $50 for 100 cards.  [Yelp]

EYE ON PHI: Looking for a new fashion label that is just emerging from the underground? Check out Phi, which will be showcased at Carrots in Jackson Square. [Glamwatch]

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