Rumormongering: Who's Taking MacArthur Park?

Jackson Square: The last month or so has seen a renaissance of sorts for the northern edge of the Financial District, with the arrival of Zinnia and Aventine. The next shoe to drop might be the resurrection of the MacArthur Park space. It's not the only available space in the vicinity—there's Rubicon too; we also heard Jeanty at Jack's is on the market—but the rumblings are growing louder. In September, the building was reported to be in escrow, and this week, the picturesque, 7500 square-foot restaurant space just got cleaned "because the buyer is coming to check it out." So the big question: who's taking the space? Let's start churning that rumor mill. Share your intel at or in the comments below; in the meantime, consider MacArthur Park under constant surveillance.
· San Francisco restaurants go from famine to feast [BT]
· Rubicon Spot Check: On the Market, Might Go Soon? [~ESF~]For more stories from Eater SF, go to

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