Steep Living on Lombard Street

A Lombard St. one bedroom 1950s condo has hit the market. That's right, the Lombard St. — between Hyde and Leavenworth, tourist mecca. The 1025 Lombard St. #6 unit is designed around a simple yet elegant core combo of kitchen/fireplace/built-in shelving. Not surprisingly, it seems there's a premium to live on the city's most famous street, with it's legion of slow drivers and picture-takers. The 950 sq ft unit is listed at $1,150,000 -- that's $1,211/per. High but stylish. Oh, and don't worry about the traffic — deeded parking is included on nearby Lurmont St.
· < a href=",-N228624,-N,-A,-N15754206">1025 Lombard St. #6 [MLS]For more stories from Curbed SF, go to

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